Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

Welcome to the Vancouver Bootcamp Meet Up Group!

We just had our first meeting tonight and decided on a couple of items including our first workout/meet up.

When: Tuesdays & Thursday @ 6am sharp (workout should last an hour)
Where: David Lam Park http://www.vancouverbcrealty.com/davidlampark/index.html
*We will meet near the tennis courts
What to bring: Optional but we suggest bringing water, a yoga/workout mat and, if you have it, a workout band/bungie.
Who: Rachel will lead the first workout. It will likely be based on the Workout 1 listed in the 'Bootcamp Circuits' spreadsheet in the folder.

We'll see how the first couple of weeks go and continue making plans/building our exercise and workout database from there. Of note from our meeting:

- there are people interested in weekday or weekend workouts. We will start with twice a week and if there is interest from people, and those people are willing to create the structure, people can start meeting up on weekends.

- again, if we have the interest we can move to three days a week or evenings. Most of the group that met tonight would like early mornings but if you're an evening person it would be great to have a group running at night too.

- we chose David Lam Park for now as Coopers Way Park is VERY busy with three other bootcamps running out of it and there are also a few on the beaches near English Bay and near the False Creek Yacht Club. Again, venue could change if we find something more suitable.

Now it's your turn! I've created this Google folder to share information and hopefully create a database of circuits and exercises. I'll be fleshing it out more as we go along but for now I think it is important to get a few circuits typed up and in our bank.

Instructions for adding a new Workout to the Bootcamp Circuit spreadsheet:

- select "Add Sheet" in the bottom left corner.
- name your sheet, ie. Workout 7
- please follow the format of Workout 1 ie. Circuits A, B and C with 5 exercises each plus 4 ab exercises.
- * if you're struggling to figure it out please feel free to just email me the workout and I will add it in for you

Other projects I/we will be working on through Google Docs:

- exercise database including links to online help like photos and video
- a Calendar indicating meet time and places and scheduling who will run the workout
- an equipment list. We're looking for inexpensive and portable items for workout variety. It would be great if everyone could bring a bungie band, you can get them for $15-$20 in a variety of resistance levels.

I'm excited for next week and will be sending out another Meet Up notice via MeetUp.com. If you weren't able to make it tonight but are still game please drop me an email. Hopefully this is the beginning of a lot of FREE and challenging workouts!
